Как влияет спорт на снижение веса?
Энергетическая цена каждого действия
и сколько нужно физической активности, чтобы снизить вес на 1 кг?
ВОЗ: Глобальная стратегия по питанию, физической активности и здоровью
Metabolic equivalents (METS) in exercise testing, exercise prescription, and evaluation of functional capacity
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Scaling of Brain Metabolism with a Fixed Energy Budget per Neuron: Implications for Neuronal Activity, Plasticity and Evolution,
Suzana Herculano-Houzel, Published: March 1, 2011
Does the Method of Weight Loss Effect Long-Term Changes in Weight, Body Composition or Chronic Disease Risk Factors in Overweight or Obese Adults? A Systematic Review
Richard A. Washburn, Amanda N. Szabo, PLoS One. 2014; 9(10): e109849
A worksite program for overweight middle-aged men achieves lesser weight loss with exercise than with dietary change
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Effects of an intervention and maintenance weight loss diet with and without exercise on anthropometric indices in overweight and obese healthy women.
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Exercise and the maintenance of weight loss: 1-year follow-up of a controlled clinical trial
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Aerobic exercise alone results in clinically significant weight loss for men and women: Midwest Exercise Trial-2
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Resistance training increases total energy expenditure and free-living physical activity in older adults
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Comparative Effectiveness of Weight-Loss Interventions in Clinical Practice
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Individual variability following 12 weeks of supervised exercise: identification and characterization of compensation for exercise-induced weight loss
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Effects of the Amount of Exercise on Body Weight, Body Composition, and Measures of Central Obesity STRRIDE—A Randomized Controlled Study
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Influence of diet and exercise on skeletal muscle and visceral adipose tissue in men
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Diet, exercise or diet with exercise: comparing the effectiveness of treatment options for weight-loss and changes in fitness for adults (18–65 years old) who are overfat, or obese; systematic review and meta-analysis,
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Physical activity and weight loss: does prescribing higher physical activity goals improve outcome?
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Daily physical activity as determined by age, body mass and energy balance Klaas R. Westerterp https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4429144/
Adaptive reduction in basal metabolic rate in response to food deprivation in humans: a role for feedback signals from fat stores.
Dulloo AG1, Jacquet J.
What is the required energy deficit per unit weight loss?
Hall KD1. Int J Obes (Lond). 2008 Mar;32(3):573-6. Epub 2007 Sep 11
Human energy requirements. Report of a Joint FAO/WHO/UNU Expert Consultation Rome, 17-24 October 2001 http://www.fao.org/docrep/007/y5686e/y5686e07.htm#TopOfPage
Compendium of physical activities
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Effect of exercise intensity on abdominal fat loss during calorie restriction in overweight and obese postmenopausal women: a randomized, controlled trial
Barbara J Nicklas, Xuewen Wang, Am J Clin Nutr. 2009 Apr
Issues in characterizing resting energy expenditure in obesity and after weight loss
Anja Bosy-Westphal, Wiebke Braun,Britta Schautz, and Manfred J. Müller
Metabolic slowing with massive weight loss despite preservation of fat-free mass.
Johannsen DL1, Knuth ND, Huizenga R, Rood JC, Ravussin E, Hall KD.
Diet versus Exercise in “The Biggest Loser” Weight Loss Competition
Kevin D. Hall
Effects of weight cycling caused by intermittent dieting on metabolic rate and body composition in obese women.
Jebb SA, Goldberg GR, Coward WA, Murgatroyd PR, Prentice AM.
Effects of intentional weight cycling on non-obese young women.
Kajioka T1, Tsuzuku S, Shimokata H, Sato Y.
Clinical significance of adaptive thermogenesis.
Major GC1, Doucet E, Trayhurn P, Astrup A, Tremblay A.
A weight reduction program preserves fat-free mass but not metabolic rate in obese adolescents.
Lazzer S1, Boirie Y, Montaurier C, Vernet J, Meyer M, Vermorel M.
Energy Intake in Weight-Reduced Humans
Michael Rosenbaum, Harry R. Kissileff, Laurel E.S. Mayer, Joy Hirsch, and Rudolph L. Leibel
Effect of circadian variation in energy expenditure, within-subject variation and weight reduction on thermic effect of food.
Miles CW1, Wong NP, Rumpler WV, Conway J.
Controlled trial of the metabolic effects of a very-low-calorie diet: short- and long-term effects
G D Foster T A Wadden I D Feurer A S Jennings A J Stunkard L O Crosby J ShipJ L Mullen
Effect of weight reduction on resting energy expenditure, substrate utilization, and the thermic effect of food in moderately obese women.
Nelson KM, Weinsier RL, James LD, Darnell B, Hunter G, Long CL.
Total and resting energy expenditure in obese women reduced to ideal body weight.
Amatruda JM, Statt MC, Welle SL.
Energy expenditure and free-living physical activity in black and white women: comparison before and after weight loss.
Weinsier RL, etc.
Discrepancy between self-reported and actual caloric intake and exercise in obese subjects.
Lichtman SW1, Pisarska K, Berman ER, Pestone M, Dowling H, Offenbacher E, Weisel H, Heshka S, Matthews DE, Heymsfield SB.
Role of nonexercise activity thermogenesis in resistance to fat gain in humans.
Levine JA1, Eberhardt NL, Jensen MD.
Regulation of Body Weight in Humans
Eric Jéquier, etc.
Changes in Energy Expenditure with Weight Gain and Weight Loss in Humans
Manfred J. Müller, Janna Enderle, and Anja Bosy-Westphal
Changes in Energy Expenditure with Weight Gain and Weight Loss in Humans.
Müller MJ, Enderle J, Bosy-Westphal A.
Persistent metabolic adaptation 6 years after “The Biggest Loser” competition
Erin Fothergill, etc.
Metabolic adaptation to caloric restriction and subsequent refeeding: the Minnesota Starvation Experiment revisited
Manfred James Müller Janna Enderle Maryam Pourhassan Wiebke BraunBenjamin Eggeling Merit Lagerpusch Claus-Christian Glüer Joseph J KehayiasDieter Kiosz Anja Bosy-Westphal
Long-term persistence of adaptive thermogenesis in subjects who have maintained a reduced body weight
Michael Rosenbaum Jules Hirsch Dympna A Gallagher Rudolph L Leibel
Models of energy homeostasis in response to maintenance of reduced body weight
Michael Rosenbaum and Rudolph L. Leibel
Obesity: Preventing And Managing The Global Epidemic
Report of a WHO Consultation WHO, Geneva, 2000
The Practical Guide Identification, Evaluation, and Treatment of Overweight and Obesity in Adults
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Sexual dimorphism in the energy content of weight change.
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Adipose tissue density, estimated adipose lipid fraction and whole body adiposity in male cadavers.
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Body fat content influences the body composition response to nutrition and exercise. Forbes GB1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10865771
The Evolution of Very‐Low‐Calorie Diets: An Update and Meta‐analysis
Adam Gilden Tsai Thomas A. Wadden First published: 06 September 2012 http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1038/oby.2006.146/full#f3
Persistent metabolic adaptation 6 years after The Biggest Loser competition
Erin Fothergill, Juen Guo, Lilian Howard, Jennifer C. Kerns, Nicolas D. Knuth,3 Robert Brychta, Kong Y. Chen, Monica C. Skarulis, Mary Walter, Peter J. Walter, and Kevin D. Hall,
First published: 02 May 2016
Weight management in obesity – past and present
D. Haslam 1
Benefits and risks of an intensive very-low-calorie diet program for severe obesity.
Anderson JW1, Hamilton CC, Brinkman-Kaplan V.
Dietary approaches to reducing body weight.
Astrup A.
Predicting metabolic adaptation, body weight change, and energy intake in humans
Kevin D. Hall
Thermodynamics of weight loss diets.
Fine EJ1, Feinman RD.
Why do obese patients not lose more weight when treated with low-calorie diets? A mechanistic perspective
Steven B Heymsfield, etc.
Desaturation of skeletal muscle structural and depot lipids in obese individuals during a very-low-calorie diet intervention.
Haugaard SB1, Vaag A, Høy CE, Madsbad S.
Compliance, clinical effects, and factors predicting weight reduction during a very low calorie diet regime.
Høie LH1, Bruusgaard D.
Year-long weight loss treatment for obese patients with type II diabetes: does including an intermittent very-low-calorie diet improve outcome?
Wing RR, Blair E, Marcus M, Epstein LH, Harvey J.
Weight loss with very-low-calorie diet and cardiovascular risk factors in moderately obese women: one-year follow-up study including ambulatory blood pressure monitoring.
Pekkarinen T, Takala I, Mustajoki P.
VLCD versus LCD in long-term treatment of obesity.
Rössner S1, Flaten H.
Long-term effects of a very low calorie diet (Nutrilett) in obesity treatment. A prospective, randomized, comparison between VLCD and a hypocaloric diet+behavior modification and their combination.
Ryttig KR, Flaten H, Rössner S.
Weight maintenance after a very low calorie diet (VLCD) weight reduction period and the effects of VLCD supplementation. A prospective, randomized, comparative, controlled long-term trial.
Ryttig KR1, Rössner S.
Weight loss and dropout during a commercial weight-loss program including a very-low-calorie diet, a low-calorie diet, or restricted normal food: observational cohort study
Erik Hemmingsson Kari Johansson Jonas Eriksson Johan SundströmMartin Neovius Claude Marcus
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 96, Issue 5, 1 November 2012, https://academic.oup.com/ajcn/article/96/5/953/4577299
The effect of rate of weight loss on long-term weight regain in adults with overweight and obesity.
Vink RG, Roumans NJ, Arkenbosch LA, Mariman EC, van Baak MA.
Myths, Presumptions, and Facts about Obesity
Krista Casazza, Ph.D., etc.
Treatment of obesity by moderate and severe caloric restriction. Results of clinical research trials.
Wadden TA.
One-year behavioral treatment of obesity: comparison of moderate and severe caloric restriction and the effects of weight maintenance therapy.
Wadden TA, Foster GD, Letizia KA.
Controlled trial of the metabolic effects of a very-low-calorie diet: short- and long-term effects.
Foster GD1, Wadden TA, Feurer ID, Jennings AS, Stunkard AJ, Crosby LO, Ship J, Mullen JL.
Benefits and risks of an intensive very-low-calorie diet program for severe obesity.
Anderson JW1, Hamilton CC, Brinkman-Kaplan V.
The effect of rate of weight loss on long‐term weight regain in adults with overweight and obesity
Roel G. Vink, etc., 2016
Prolonged re-feeding improves weight maintenance after weight loss with very-low-energy diets (VLEDs)
Lena Gripeteg, Jarl Torgerson, Jan Karlsson, and Anna Karin Lindroos
Intermittent vs continuous VLCD therapy in obesity treatment.
Rössner S.
Intermittent versus daily calorie restriction: which diet regimen is more effective for weight loss?
Varady KA.
Assessment of fat-mass loss during weight reduction in obese women.
Fogelholm GM, Sievänen HT, van Marken Lichtenbelt WD, Westerterp KR.
Two year maintenance of weight loss after a VLCD and behavioural therapy for obesity: correlation to the scores of questionnaires measuring eating behaviour.
Pekkarinen T, Takala I, Mustajoki P.
VLCD plus dietary and behavioural support versus support alone in the treatment of severe obesity. A randomised two-year clinical trial.
Torgerson JS, Lissner L, Lindroos AK, Kruijer H, Sjöström L.
Long-term weight maintenance after an intensive weight-loss program.
Anderson JW, Vichitbandra S, Qian W, Kryscio RJ.
Very-low-calorie diets and sustained weight loss.
Saris WH
The effect of rate of weight loss on long-term weight management: a randomised controlled trial.
Purcell K, Sumithran P, Prendergast LA, Bouniu CJ, Delbridge E, Proietto J.
The Association Between Rate of Initial Weight Loss and Long-Term Success in Obesity Treatment: Does Slow and Steady Win the Race?
Strategies to Improve Adherence to Dietary Weight Loss Interventions in Research and Real-World Settings
Alice A. Gibson and Amanda Sainsbury
Long-term weight-loss maintenance: a meta-analysis of US studies.
Anderson JW, Konz EC, Frederich RC, Wood CL.
Maintenance of weight loss after lifestyle interventions for overweight and obesity, a systematic review
JC Barte, NC ter Bogt, RP Bogers, PJ Teixeira, B Blissmer, TA Mori, and WJ Bemelmans.
Systematic review of weight loss diets: role of dietary components
Jussara C. de Almeida; Ticiana C. RodriguesI; Flávia Moraes SilvaI; Mirela J. de Azevedo
Diet and body composition. Effect of very low calorie diets and exercise.
Donnelly JE1, Jakicic J, Gunderson S.
Effect of the Holiday Season on Weight Gain: A Narrative Review
Rolando G. Díaz-Zavala, María F. Castro-Cantú, Mauro E. Valencia, Gerardo Álvarez-Hernández, Michelle M. Haby and Julián Esparza-Romero
Body weight variability in men: metabolic rate, health and longevity.
Lissner L, Andres R, Muller DC, Shimokata H.
Weight variability effects: a prospective analysis from the Stanford Five-City Project.
Taylor CB, Jatulis DE, Fortmann SP, Kraemer HC.
Deliberate overfeeding in women and men: energy cost and composition of the weight gain
Gilbert B. Forbes, Marilyn R. Brown, Stephen L. Welle and Barbara A. Lipinski
Negative energy balance in male and female rangers: effects of 7 d of sustained exercise and food deprivation
Reed W Hoyt Per Kristian Opstad Ann-Helen Haugen James P DeLanyAllen Cymerman Karl E Friedl
The Look AHEAD Study: A Description of the Lifestyle Intervention and the Evidence Supporting It
The Look AHEAD Research Group
Weight loss expectations in obese patients and treatment attrition: an observational multicenter study.
Dalle Grave R, Calugi S, Molinari E, Petroni ML, Bondi M, Compare A, Marchesini G;
QUOVADIS Study Group.
Adaptation of energy metabolism of overweight women to low-energy intake, studied with whole-body calorimeters.
de Boer JO, van Es AJ, Roovers LC, van Raaij JM, Hautvast JG.
Changes in energy expenditure resulting from altered body weight.
Leibel RL, Rosenbaum M, Hirsch J.
Do adaptive changes in metabolic rate favor weight regain in weight-reduced individuals? An examination of the set-point theory.
Weinsier RL, Nagy TR, Hunter GR, Darnell BE, Hensrud DD, Weiss HL.
Lower limit of body fat in healthy active men.
Friedl KE, Moore RJ, Martinez-Lopez LE, Vogel JA, Askew EW, Marchitelli LJ, Hoyt RW, Gordon CC. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8002550
Body composition and energy expenditure after weight loss following bariatric surgery.
Benedetti G, Mingrone G, Marcoccia S, Benedetti M, Giancaterini A, Greco AV, Castagneto M, Gasbarrini G.
Adaptive thermogenesis in humans. Rosenbaum M, Leibel RL.
Changes in Energy Expenditure with Weight Gain and Weight Loss in Humans
Manfred J. Müller, Janna Enderle, and Anja Bosy-Westphal
Changes in Energy Expenditure with Weight Gain and Weight Loss in Humans.
Müller MJ, Enderle J, Bosy-Westphal A.
Persistent metabolic adaptation 6 years after “The Biggest Loser” competition
Erin Fothergill, etc.
How strongly does appetite counter weight loss? Quantification of the homeostatic control of human energy intake
David Polidori, Arjun Sanghvi, Randy Seeley, Kevin D Hall
Metabolic adaptation to caloric restriction and subsequent refeeding: the Minnesota Starvation Experiment revisited
Manfred James, etc.
Long-term persistence of adaptive thermogenesis in subjects who have maintained a reduced body weight
Michael Rosenbaum Jules Hirsch Dympna A Gallagher Rudolph L Leibel
http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/88/4/906.long https://academic.oup.com/ajcn/article/88/4/906/4650207?ijkey=b1d3f23593ddb2d3fa37f9aab5a1f03536fab03b&keytype2=tf_ipsecsha
Models of energy homeostasis in response to maintenance of reduced body weight
Michael Rosenbaum and Rudolph L. Leibel
Issues in characterizing resting energy expenditure in obesity and after weight loss
Anja Bosy-Westphal, Wiebke Braun, Britta Schautz, and Manfred J. Müller
Metabolic slowing with massive weight loss despite preservation of fat-free mass.
Johannsen DL, Knuth ND, Huizenga R, Rood JC, Ravussin E, Hall KD.
Diet versus Exercise in “The Biggest Loser” Weight Loss Competition
Kevin D. Hall
Effects of weight cycling caused by intermittent dieting on metabolic rate and body composition in obese women.
Jebb SA1, Goldberg GR, Coward WA, Murgatroyd PR, Prentice AM.
Effects of intentional weight cycling on non-obese young women.
Kajioka T, Tsuzuku S, Shimokata H, Sato Y.
Clinical significance of adaptive thermogenesis.
Major GC, Doucet E, Trayhurn P, Astrup A, Tremblay A.
A weight reduction program preserves fat-free mass but not metabolic rate in obese adolescents.
Lazzer S, Boirie Y, Montaurier C, Vernet J, Meyer M, Vermorel M.
Energy metabolism after 2 y of energy restriction: the biosphere 2 experiment.
Weyer C, Walford RL, Harper IT, Milner M, MacCallum T, Tataranni PA, Ravussin E.
Energy Intake in Weight-Reduced Humans
Michael Rosenbaum, Harry R. Kissileff, Laurel E.S. Mayer, Joy Hirsch, and Rudolph L. Leibel
Effect of circadian variation in energy expenditure, within-subject variation and weight reduction on thermic effect of food.
Miles CW, Wong NP, Rumpler WV, Conway J.
Controlled trial of the metabolic effects of a very-low-calorie diet: short- and long-term effects
G D Foster T A Wadden I D Feurer A S Jennings A J Stunkard L O Crosby J ShipJ L Mullen
Effect of weight reduction on resting energy expenditure, substrate utilization, and the thermic effect of food in moderately obese women.
Nelson KM, Weinsier RL, James LD, Darnell B, Hunter G, Long CL.
Total and resting energy expenditure in obese women reduced to ideal body weight.
Amatruda JM, Statt MC, Welle SL.
Energy expenditure and free-living physical activity in black and white women: comparison before and after weight loss.
Weinsier RL, etc.
Discrepancy between self-reported and actual caloric intake and exercise in obese subjects.
Lichtman SW, Pisarska K, Berman ER, Pestone M, Dowling H, Offenbacher E, Weisel H, Heshka S, Matthews DE, Heymsfield SB.
Metabolic adaptation following massive weight loss is related to the degree of energy imbalance and changes in circulating leptin
Metabolic and Behavioral Compensations in Response to Caloric Restriction: Implications for the Maintenance of Weight Loss
Leanne M. Redman, Leonie K. Heilbronn, Corby K. Martin, Lilian de Jonge, Donald A. Williamson, James P. Delany, Eric Ravussin, and for the Pennington CALERIE team
Role of nonexercise activity thermogenesis in resistance to fat gain in humans.
Levine JA1, Eberhardt NL, Jensen MD.
Regulation of Body Weight in Humans
Eric Jéquier, etc.
Daily physical activity as determined by age, body mass and energy balance
Klaas R. Westerterp
Adaptive reduction in basal metabolic rate in response to food deprivation in humans: a role for feedback signals from fat stores.
Dulloo AG, Jacquet J.
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